
The Public Employment Service (DYPA) has been operating since 1955. It is supervised by the Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity and managed by its Governor and its Board of Directors (BoD). The composition of the Board is based on the principle of tripartite representation, as it includes members from the government and the social partners, i.e. the employers’ and employees’ associations. In accordance with the legislation in force, the Agency, which has the status of a legal person governed by public law, implements government policies concerning:

1. Employment and the fight against unemployment.

2. Employment and unemployment prevention and combating unemployment.

3. Unemployment insurance.

4. Vocational education and training, including internship and apprenticeship programmes. The Public Employment Service (DYPA) is also the public entity responsible for implementing housing support policies and promoting other welfare benefits (social tourism, camping programmes, etc.).

One of the main functions of the DYPA is the design and implementation of targeted Active Labour Market Policies according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity.

Active Labour Market Policies aiming further support the national labor force and enhance its employment prospects.

Since 2012, the Public Employment Service (DYPA) has implemented a massive internal restructuring project called the Redesign of the DYPA Business model.

Its purpose was to strengthen the organizational capacity of the DYPA in a way that labor market challenges addressed effectively.

At the same time, DYPA should become a more effective public organization in terms of thorough implementation of government policies as well as providing quality services to citizens and businesses.

The Labor Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE) was founded in 1990 as the scientific and research organization of the trade unions in Greece, in order for GSEE to make substantiated interventions in the social and economic level, in employment, in production and social security.

Specifically the goal of the Human Resource Development Sector of INE is to develop and communicate know-how concerning trade union education, continuing vocational training system and life long learning, socially vulnerable groups, and adult education (educational theories, educational methods/techniques, development of educational material, etc.).

INE/GSEE also participates as a representative of GSEE in all the social partners negotiations regarding employment policies, vocational training and labor market in European (as representatives of GSEE in ETUC), national, regional, and local level.

INE/GSEE participates also in strong European networks in Vocational Education & Training as EVTA and EVBB.

The National Institute of Labour and Human Resources(NILHR) or(EIEAD) is a public body, operating under the supervision of the Greek Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare.

It was founded in 2011, as a result of the merger of “Vocational Training SA (EKAE)” and “Employment Observatory Research-Informatics SA (PAEP)”.

The NILHR’ mission is to support the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare with regard to the policies and actions designed and implemented for the human resources in the country.

In this context, the NILHR implements, monitors and analyzes issues of the labor market and lifelong learning, and in particular the evolution and structure of employment and unemployment, vocational training, labour relations and the interaction between economic and social developments for the population as a whole or for specific groups.

A key objective of the NILHR is the analysis of the supply of ,and demand for, occupational categories and skills, and the identification of training needs at a national and a local level.

The Institute also participates in and implements EU programs concerning employment and vocational training.