Recommending FLEXible Learning for low skilled Adults

The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation – EaSI, is related to supporting the development of personalized learning in the field of skills upgrading pathways

Development of occupational profiles, in line with local demand

Development of modular training programs

Personalized learning offer based on skills assessment

Information about REFLEX

The project is funded directly by the European Commission and aims to develop and implement locally flexible learning methodologies for job seekers, with an emphasis on people with low skills.

Lead partner of the project “REFLEX” is the Manpower Employment Organization of Greece (OAED) and partners are EIEAD and Labour Institute of General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE-GSEE).

The Action

The key objective of the REFLEX project is to expand and enrich the scale and scope of existing personalized learning provision interventions for low-skilled low-skilled adults in order to address a specific target group of low-skilled/low-skilled adults, namely:


the 30-44 age group


the regions of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, Western Greece & Central Greece




Upskilling of adults with low qualifications: The experience from the “EaSI-REFLEX” Action.


Upskilling of adults with low qualifications: Lessons learned from the “EaSI-REFLEX” Action.


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