Action Objective
Bringing together best practice of PES current national projects is giving rise to a new project, under this Call, which enables the national actors to further develop activities in the field of upskilling pathways for low skilled adults
- building on the occupational part of the existing tailored learning provision for low-skilled / low qualified adults of the Elefsina Pilot Programme, which is considered to be effective
- and using the results of the survey on “Mapping-Identification and Prioritization of target-groups in need of upskilling”, implemented in the context of EaSI 2017 – BASIC Project.
In the light of the above, the main concept core activity of the new “REFLEX” project is to enlarge and enrich the scale and scope of the existing tailored learning provision for low-skilled /low qualified adults, in order to cover a different low-skilled/ low qualified target group, which will be:
the 30-44 age group
(compulsory or upper secondary education/ low-skilled / low qualified job seekers)
in the administrative regions of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, Western Greece & Sterea Hellas.
REFLEX, in the light of a lifelong learning perspective, is recommending to national decision makers to increase opportunities for low-skilled adults, by encouraging processes for developing flexible VET pathways -blended and work based learning methodologies and tools- towards recognizing non-formal learning outcomes in the focus country, the relevant system of which is still in its early stages.
In the context of the REFLEX Project, occupational profiles according local demand are developed, modularized curricula on both basic and occupational skills are developed, a tailored learning offer based on skills’ audits is provided, taking as its starting point the learner’s current level of skill in each topic and a recognition/validation scheme per occupation is developed, thus, putting in place all the three Upskilling Pathways key-steps for the target group.
Main Objective
of the 30-44 age group (compulsory or upper secondary education)
The REFLEX project related activities respond to the overall objective of the Call, as coherent pathways comprising the three key steps are put in place, absolutely in line/based on EaSI 2017-BASIC results, as well as to the specific objective of the Call, to support the deployment of a tailored, flexible and quality learning offer for low-skilled / low-qualified adults. This project proposal includes interventions, which are also in absolute relevance with the guidelines of the Call, regarding the “tailored, flexible and quality learning offer”.